Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Amelia Earhart!

Eccomi di nuovo presa dall'odierno Google Doodle dedicato al 115° anniversario della nascita della mitica aviatrice-pioniera americana Amelia Earhart: una donna meravigliosa, leggendaria, visionaria, sognatrice, determinata, ma soprattutto un vero esempio del noto proverbio volere è potere! Vi consiglio caldamente il bellissimo film su di lei, del quale di seguito potete vedere qualche immagine ed il trailer inglese. Buona visione a tutti e se lo avete visto o lo vedrete, fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate!

Here I am again, amazed by today's Google Doodle, dedicated to the 115° anniversary of the great American  aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart: a wonderful, legendary, visionary, determined woman, a dreamer, but first of all a great example of the well known proverb where there is a will, there is a way! I really recommend you to watch the beautiful movie about her. Below you can see some pictures of it and watch the English trailer. Enjoy the video and if you have already seen the movie or are going to watch it, tell me what you think about it!

Hier bin ich, schon wieder vom neuen Google Doodle gefesselt, der dem 115° Jahrestag der großen Amerikanischen Flugpionierin Amelia Earhart gewidmet ist: Eine wunderbare, legendäre, visionäre, träumerische, selbstsichere Frau, aber besonders ein echtes Beispiel des bekannten Sprichworts wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg! Ich rate euch sehr dazu, den Film, der über sie gedreht wurde zu sehen. Unten könnt ihr euch einige Bilder davon ansehen und auch den englischsprachigen Trailer anschauen. Ich wünsche euch viel Vergnügen beim Video und, wenn ihr den Film schon gesehen habt, oder ansehen werdet, lasst mich eure Meinung darüber wissen!


  1. I loved the Google Doodle too... Amelia was such a fabulous free-spirit, and a brave woman... Love her !

    1. Thank you Pratishtha for your nice visit and comment! I hope to see you soon again :)

  2. Greetings Laura, I am now your newest follower. Thank you for your recent visit and I am delighted you enjoyed my blog. I try to make it a whimsical and inspirational design blog that visitors can have fun with.

    I had not seen the trailer for this movie but knew it was coming up. Swank will be perfect for the role! Thanks for sharing and I enjoyed the tribute!!!

    1. Hi Lisa, thank you so much for your nice comment and for visiting! I'm really happy that you like my blog, I try to do my best :) I've joined your followers, too and I'm glad we have met! :) Have a nice day and see you soon again!

  3. Purtroppo non ho visto questo film,ma provvederò subito!!;DDDD
    Un bacio

    1. Poi fammi sapere che cosa ne pensi! :) Grazie

  4. Looks like an interesting movie; could be inspiring if the plot is right. The actors are definitely A class.

  5. Maravillosa película!!! visionaria, soñadora y fantástica mujer... Gran post!!!
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

    1. Grazie mille, Marcela, felice che ti sia piaciuto!! :D A presto e buona giornata!

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog Laura! I enjoyed your enthusiastic, heartfelt compliments. I'm glad you enjoyed my blog.

    What an interesting blog you have, I'm so glad you came to visit me so that I could discover your blog. I'll gladly follow you.

    Amelia Earhart: an example of what a powerful, legendary, visionary, determined woman, a dreamer, a woman who realized her dream! Yes, she is an example of the famous saying that there is a will, there is a way! It gives energy to continue with my dreams;-) So thank you for sharing!

    I enjoyed the meeting with your blog!

    Happy day!

    Warmest regards,

    1. Oh thank you so much, Yet! I really thank you for your nice comment, it means a lot to me! I'm glad we follow each other now and can keep in touch! :) I wishnyou a wonderful day and see you soon again!

  7. Oh, voglio vedere il film! me lo ero perso, ma devo recuperare. Amo le figure di donne forti e determinate, credo che - soprattutto in periodi difficili come questo, in cui tutti sembrano avere perso l'entusiasmo e la voglia di lottare - abbiamo bisogno di esempi positivi. Abbiamo bisogno di credere che sia possibile raggiungere i nostri obiettivi anche se tutto intorno a noi appare sconfortante. E queste donne (come anche la protagonista di "The Lady", o di "Anna and the King") dimostrano che la forza del desiderio e della fiducia in se stessi può fare miracoli... Grazie del post, Laura! Un forte abbraccio

    1. Grazie mille Ilenia, tu ed io ci capiamo sempre alla perfezione!! :) A prestissimo ed un bacione! Buona giornata!

  8. I had no idea it was her birthday! Great post!

    A Southern Drawl

    1. Thank you so much, Grace!! :) See you soon again

  9. Grazie a tutti per i vostri commenti! E grazie anche ai nuovi follower! Da oggi The Cat's Edge è anche su Twitter! Seguitemi @laura_mint :D

    Thank you all for your comments! And thanks to the new followers, too! From today onwards I'm also The Cat's Edge is also on Twitter! Follow me @laura_mint :D

    Ich danke euch allen fuer eure Kommentare! Und ein grosses Danke auch den neuen Followern! Ab heute ist The Cat's Edge auch auf Twitter! Folgt mir @laura_mint :D

  10. That's really cool! I love Amelia! I think she was such an inspiration! I really like your blog! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits and more :) :)


    1. Of course!! I really like your blog, it's a pleasure for me to read your interesting posts! Have a nice day! :)

  11. Sono incasinatissima in casa- visto il trasloco -, ma non appena riuscirò ad avere nuovamente il mio lettore dvd noleggerò il film! Se tu lo consigli, sicuramente sarà bello ed interessante ^__^ bacione Sara

    1. Grazie Sara, sei sempre troppo gentile!!! :)) Se lo guarderai spero che ti piaccia quanto è piaciuto e me!! :) A presto e buon trasloco!


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